Weldon Flats


Weldon Flats are recommended for heavy cutting applications on shanks 3/8" and larger.

To estimate cost, add the following to any Discount-Tools.com Price. If you want a Weldon Flat added to any end mill please include this in the comments section when checking out.

Shank Size

1 2-3 4-6 7-11 12-23 24+
3/16" - 1/4" $12.32 $6.62 $3.75 $2.49 $1.82 $1.33
5/16" - 3/8" - 7/16" - 1/2" $13.09 $7.39 $4.52 $3.29 $2.59 $2.07
9/16" - 5/8" $14.00 $8.23 $5.36 $4.13 $3.43 $2.94
3/4" - 1-1/4" $19.39 $9.77 $6.90 $5.67 $4.97 $4.48

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